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Help Stop Benefit Fraud

Welcome to stopbenefitfraud.fortunecity.com.

Thank you for browsing. We are a relativley new site that aims to help clamp down on Benefit Fraud across the UK. This site incorporates various links, advice and diaries to hopefully, get the message across that Benefit Fraudsters WILL get caught.

p align="justify">As more information and advice comes available, we will post it here, so check back often. This site will always be under construction as circumstances change daily.

The diaries are based on actual events that have, and are currently happening. All subjects described have been supplied by actual people, providing all anmes and places are anonymous.

With that in mind, please browse the site and hopefully deter more people from comitting Benefit Fraud.

Miss X's Diary

A week before Christmas, Miss X recieved a knock at the door curtosy of two Benefit Fraud Investigation officers. She was informed that an accusation had been made against her and that they were investigating it. It proved to be hard to continue through christmas with that at the back of her mind.

A few weeks later a letter arrived inviting Miss X to a formal interview. This now meant getting a solicitor involved. It had appeared that Miss X's partner was residing at her home while working instead of living else where and that a substantial amount of benefit was obtained during the period under investigation.

The interview lasted for nearly 2 hours and left Miss X feeling drained and depressed. This had also altered her mental state, leading to eventual drepression and paranoia, so that the possibilty of imprisonment was always at her foremost thoughts. The officers now wish to investigate her partner as well.

We will continue this diary as Miss X wishes her problem to be known in order to deter other people from doing the same mistake.

Advice and Options

There is only one real piece I can give you - DON'T do it!

If You Are Comitting Benefit Fraud Or Being Investigated

1. Voluntary Admission - It will look better on you if you volunteer the information they want. Especialy before they incestigate you. It is frowned upon if you volunteer information and they are investigating another case in the local area.

2. Don't Lie - They will find out. This will also make things more difficult in a formal interview and most probably in court.

3. Backtrack - Check all the documents that you have signed, they WILL use anything they can find with your name on it.

4. Get a solicitor - They really do help, believe it or not. They can give you usefull advice and in most cases they infrom you of possible consequences.

5. Expect the worst - It can only get better!

If You Suspect Someone Of A Fraudulant Claim

Get as much information as you can about the offender and thier habits. i.e. Name, Age, Address, What they look like, Who visits them, Where they work, How long they work, What time they leave, What time they return. Do they have a partner? Who is it? etc.

Look in your local phone book for numbers of Benefits Offices. You can make anonymous calls. Benefit Fraud coasts local authorities miilions of pounds a year. You are helping!

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